Simone Radaelli

CEO  @ Jeenka

Tiago Spagolla

Innovation is fast and the pace has increased exponentially in recent years, leading to rapid failures and great opportunities.

I like to be optimistic and see the glass half full and believe that the opportunities emerging now are essential and can help support humanity in many ways without presuming to solve all problems.

Among the different technology trends that are emerging, the main ones, or at least the ones where I see the most potential are:

Artificial Intelligence

Thanks to ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence has become the most talked-about technology of recent times but its potential has not been fulfilled yet.

Most defeatists see this innovation as a threat that causes job loses, but as history teaches us cutting-edge innovation often creates jobs instead of destroying them.

This technology can simplify, automate and speed up many activities and processes that are inefficient today, allowing us to focus more on creative and strategic moves, where artificial intelligence can support us with filtered and organized information, but certainly not in decision-making.

There are already several applications doing this and there will be more in the future, especially when we understand how to use it and its limits better. It is good that there is a lot of experimentation going on today because this is the best way to understand Artificial Intelligence and its potential better.

GPT-4 will open up many new avenues to experiment on and new AI applications will demonstrate the support this technology can give even more.

Today there is a race going on among the Tech Giants to have supremacy over this technology, but I believe that the field of application is so vast that everyone will be able to find their own space, a bit like it was with the advent of the Internet.

Internet of Things

On the market for several years now, this technology has a lot of practical applications that have shown their potential and will increasingly reduce the gap between digital and physical.

Again, this technology allows for greater efficiency and better management, enabling the automation of many activities that are today under human control as part of hyper-automation.

The main break I see in adopting this technology is the cost of replacing existing machines and systems with new ones equipped with this technology. That is why its adoption will be steady and increase in the coming years, opening up more and more new scenarios and opportunities.

When this technology is well distributed, I believe we will see a new phase where new applications and systems which use these devices will be implemented, and we will probably see more international standards defined and greater integration, as well as a greater focus on security.

Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing which uses subatomic particles to create new ways of processing and storing information, promises to be the future of computing. With the promise of exponentially higher computing speeds than those available today with supercomputers, it can solve the most complex problems in fractions of time.

This technology is still in its infancy, but enormous investments by governments and private individuals demonstrate a strong interest in it. They will allow us to see rapid developments in the coming years, especially as this technology enters the market.

How can companies use new digital technologies to create innovative products and services that meet customer needs and maintain a competitive advantage on the market?

Firstly, companies can use digital technologies to collect and analyze substantial amounts of customer data (e.g., preferences, buying habits, social media interactions, and other relevant information). This data can be used to understand customer needs better and identify innovation opportunities.

Secondly, companies can use digital technologies to improve customer experience. Chatbots can be used to offer 24/7 customer service, and, for example, artificial intelligence can be used to analyze customer interactions on social media and personalize the shopping experience according to their preferences and buying behavior.

Thirdly, digital technologies can be used to create innovative products and services that differentiate themselves from the competition. For example, companies can use augmented reality to offer engaging and personalized shopping experiences, use blockchain to create secure and decentralized payment systems, or use IoT to monitor and manage their products and services more efficiently.

All of this will help improve companies’ efficiency and reduce costs; for example, production times will be shorter and product quality will also be better; data analysis will help intercept inefficiencies in processes and robotics will automate some repetitive and sometimes dangerous procedures, and much more.

In short, digital technologies enable companies that use them strategically to create innovative products and services that meet customer needs and maintain a competitive advantage on the market.

What are companies’ main challenges and opportunities when implementing new digital technologies, and how can they effectively manage them to achieve long-term success?

There are undoubtedly several challenges and opportunities that arise when implementing new technologies within companies.

Some resistance to change is quite normal: new technologies require an investment in new infrastructure and thus a change to both culture and mindset for employees. A good change management strategy is therefore fundamental to involve people and identify the most appropriate path to support the entire corporate system in this change, including processes, technologies and workplaces. It is necessary to start with a careful analysis of the current situation, identify the objectives to be achieved, and finally define how this is to be done, paying particular attention to the human aspect.

In the same way, it is crucial to introduce and implement policies and procedures to deal with privacy and security risks and integrate the various technologies so that interoperability between the various systems can be guaranteed.

On the other hand, there are many opportunities that companies can exploit.

First and foremost, new digital technologies enable a more competitive, more efficient, and customized range of innovative products, which helps the company to differentiate itself from the competition. Consider, for example, how Artificial Intelligence, augmented reality, or IoT can improve customer experience, making it unique, more satisfying, and measurable.

Then, internally, new digital technologies increase productivity, reduce costs and significantly improve operational efficiency at the same time.

We can therefore see how the introduction and implementation of new digital technologies in companies, when intelligently and promptly accompanied by the necessary internal cultural and process changes, can prove to be a real opportunity for growth for all those companies that are able to grasp and embrace the most innovative aspects. However, keeping up with the times or even anticipating trends and creating new opportunities and a competitive advantage can often prove to be the most challenging aspects of all.

23 March 2023